Nourishing food for thought for the honest politicians and millions of good democrats of all parties who first need to be honest.
Graham Allen, Former MP and Chair of the Select Committee on Political and Constitutional Reform
A must read for anyone who cares about honesty in politics.
Dr Charlotte Clare, Consultant
This book is so relevant and demands to be read. It offers practical steps to restore trust in politics as well as summarising relevant proposals by honest politicians who want to be taken seriously and engage with their electorate.
Dr David Ellicott Ret’d
Ann's book is a succinct simple proposal for shaking up and improving politics in Britain. Likely to interest pretty much anyone engaged in politics - and maybe give hope, and an avenue for action, to those who've previously been put off.
Amazon Review
The truth matters. As our elected representatives make vital decisions on our behalf an essential requirement of a functioning democracy is that the people in governance are honest with the electorate.
Vote for Honesty and Get Democracy Done seeks solutions to the increasing problem of dishonest behaviour by some UK politicians. It is an easy, politically neutral action plan to force political change.
This book is unusual as it is solution-led, rather than problem-led. The Vote for Honesty Campaign for the 2024 General Election is politically neutral. Voters simply have to ‘Lend their Vote in 2024’ and only vote for a candidate that has signed the Vote for Honesty Contract. This is much stronger than a manifesto pledge as any candidate would have a contractual penalty imposed if elected and then not vote for the Honesty Bill.
This upbeat and pragmatic book suggests UK politics in the future can be better. Honest politicians will feel the benefit and feel good about their profession. A climate of trust and a deepening of democracy will make our society more efficient and effective, open and productive.
Positive change is possible. A simple solution to a complex problem.