Learning German (badly) LAUNCHED!
It was a great evening of wine and speeches as Tim Luscombe launched his book, Learning German (badly), a heartwarming and witty memoir of being British and Brexit.
Tim is a celebrated British stage director who works in England but lives with his partner in Germany. He considers himself both English and European, and an outsider almost everywhere. In his book, Learning German (badly) he writes with enormous heart and considerable wit about his quest to find his place in this new post-Brexit reality.
Because of Brexit, Tim had to take German lessons to pass the naturalization exam and discovers that while he is superb at English, he cannot seem to master the basics of German. Mind you, since German has 7 different ways to say the word “the” perhaps it’s not so surprising.
Tim’s book is a celebration of difference, of heterogeneity, of the rich tapestry that is humanity itself. Tim is also quite honest about his own preconceptions and failings, engaging in a kind of self-analysis that we simply don’t see from the puffed-up self-satisfied toffs pushing Brexit through. What emerges is a touching and hilarious struggle to understand who is he and where he belongs. This book, with its heart on its sleeve, is Brexit’s mirror image and worse nightmare.
Get your copy now, available through bookstores, as paper or ebook.