Summer Vibes
Beach Reads for the Family
Everyone is ready for their summer vacatio. You’ve put together your vacation schedule: where you are going, what you are looking forward and the things you are going to do. This is the perfect vacation for you to catch up with your reading. For those families going to the islands and beaches I present to you our Beach Reads for the Family
For the Teen:

Blackout by Sam Grenfall This YA thriller is a mixture of science and the environment. A young offender on release from Feltham has to save London. All he has is his guitar and his GCSEs
For a Laugh:

A Very Important Teapot by Steve Sheppard
If Terry Pratchett wrote James Bond, it’d be this. A spy spoof, a comedy thriller, this book will have you giggling through your hols.
For the Remainers:

Learning German (badly) by Tim Luscombe A dark comedy of becoming and belonging, learning (badly) and loving strongly. Written by famed British playwright and theatre director
For the love of a Good Mystery:

Plague and Oracle by Julie Anderson "Pacey, suspenseful and richly detailed, 'Plague' is utterly compelling. If you're unlucky enough to put it down, you cannot wait to return" Clapham Society
For the Activists:

Not in my Name by Michael Coolwood
Witty, political and provocative, this New Adult mystery is based on real events, and keeps the reader guessing to the very end.

On the 27th of June, we participated in the Jericho Book Fair in Oxford. It was a wonderful community event. We met a lot of publishers and local Oxford writers. The weather was very gracious to us that day.

Two of our authors Julie Anderson and Steve Sheppard made an appearance. It was wonderful having them. We had performances from some local bands and the music was groovy.

Sylvia Vetta, our author of Brushstrokes in Time and Sculpting the Elephant has started a project called Oxford Walking Tours. She will be leading some walks for people who are interested in or want a self guided tour of bits of Oxford most tourists don't see.